Truffology - Volume 1, Issue 1(1巻1号)

E-mail:kohei081 (at)
折原貴道(神奈川県立 生命の星・地球博物館)
木下晃彦(国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構)

Kohei Yamamoto (Tochigi Prefectural Museum, Tochigi, Japan)
E-mail:kohei081 (at)
Takamichi Orihara (Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Kanagawa, Japan)
Akihiko Kinoshita (Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute Kyushu Research Center, Kumamoto, Japan)
Masahide Yamaoto (Faculty of Education, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan)
所在地(事務局:神奈川県立 生命の星・地球博物館

Publisher:Japanese Association for Truffle Science
Location:Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, 499 Iryuda, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0031, Japan

表紙・目次・全記事 Cover, table of contents, and all articles

巻頭言 Prefaces

Truffle science evolves and emerges
(In English)

Michael A. Castellano
pp. 1


折原 貴道

In celebration of the establishment of the Japanese Association for Truffle Science (JATS) and the journal “Truffology” —A brief history of studies on truffle-like fungi in Japan and its future perspective—
(In Japanese with English abstract)

Takamichi Orihara
pp. 2–4

原著論文(査読有) Original peer-reviewed articles

First report of a rare sequestrate fungus, Rossbeevera yunnanensis (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Japan
(In English)

Takamichi Orihara

希少シクエストレート菌、ウンナンツチダマタケRossbeevera yunnanensis (イグチ目イグチ科) の日本における初報告

折原 貴道
pp. 5–8

沖縄県より発見された日本新産シクエストレート型菌類、Lactarius spinosporus (英文要旨付き和文)

山本 航平・盛口 満

A sequestrate fungi, Lactarius spinosporus new to Japan from Okinawa Prefecture
(In Japanese with English abstract)

Kohei Yamamoto, Mitsuru Moriguchi
pp. 9–13

総説(査読有) Reviews


山本 航平・折原 貴道

A taxonomic history of Japanese truffle-like fungi
(In Japanese with English abstract)

Kohei Yamamoto, Takamichi Orihara
pp. 14–21

標本リスト Specimen lists


大前 宗之

Truffles and truffle-like fungi collected in 2016
(In Japanese)

Muneyuki Ohmae
pp. 22–24

普及記事 Essays and other articles


室井 哲夫

A bittersweet feeling about a pyrenomycetous fungus parasitic on Tuber
(In Japanese)

Tetsuo Muroi
pp. 25–27

アカダマタケ(Melanogaster utriculatus)の分類学的扱いの変遷について

大前 宗之・山本 航平・折原 貴道

Historical changes in the taxonomic treatment of Melanogaster utriculatus (Paxillaceae, Boletales)
(In Japanese)

Muneyuki Ohmae, Kohei Yamamoto, Takamichi Orihara
pp. 28–30

出版日:2018年3月31日 / Published online: 31 March 2018