- 編集長
- 山本航平(栃木県立博物館)
- E-mail:kohei081 (at) yahoo.co.jp
- 編集委員
- 折原貴道(神奈川県立 生命の星・地球博物館)
- 木下晃彦(国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構)
- 大和政秀(千葉大学教育学部)
- Editor-in-Chief
- Kohei Yamamoto (Tochigi Prefectural Museum, Tochigi, Japan)
- E-mail:kohei081 (at) yahoo.co.jp
- Editors
- Takamichi Orihara (Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Kanagawa, Japan)
- Akihiko Kinoshita (Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute Kyushu Research Center, Kumamoto, Japan)
- Masahide Yamaoto (Faculty of Education, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan)
- Truffology(日本地下生菌研究会会報)
- 出版者:日本地下生菌研究会
- 所在地(事務局):神奈川県立 生命の星・地球博物館(神奈川県小田原市入生田499)
- Publisher:Japanese Association for Truffle Science
- Location:Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, 499 Iryuda, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0031, Japan
About the journal
The journal Truffology (The Bulletin of the Japanese Association for Truffle Science [JATS]) (ISSN: 2433-9725) is a free, online, scientific journal published by JATS. It is devoted to studies on truffles (including truffle-like fungi, secotioid fungi and peer truffles) as well as other related fungi and will be published annually. The journal consists of original scientific papers, reviews, observation records, lists of specimens, essays and other miscellaneous articles. Manuscripts of original scientific papers and reviews will be reviewed by one or two anonymous reviewers. Truffology does not require submission and publication charges. So far, Truffology only accepts manuscripts that include at least one member of JATS.
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Takamichi ORIHARA (Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History)
E-mail: t_orihara@nh.kanagawa-museum.jp
Dr. Akihiko KINOSHITA (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan)
Dr. Kohei YAMAMTO (Tochigi Prefectural Museum, Japan)
Prof. Masahide YAMATO (Chiba University, Japan)
Categories of the paper
Truffology covers the following types of article:
A. Original scientific papers and reviews on truffles (including truffle-like fungi, secotioid fungi, peer truffles) or any fungi related to truffles — The journal mainly focus on basic biological studies (e. g., taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny, ecology, biogeography, physiology, biodiversity). Manuscripts for the category will be reviewed by one or two anonymous reviewers. Original scientific papers should deal with novel scientific findings.
B. Observation records — This category accepts short reports of new localities of known taxa and morphological or ecological records with scientific novelty but less impact than the category A. The manuscript for this category will not be peer-reviewed. The maximum number of pages is four per one article. Articles that have originally submitted to this category but have higher potential scientific impact may be transferred to the category A according to editors’ suggestions.
C. Lists of specimens — This category deals with a simple list of specimens collected in specific area or during some periods (e. g., annual records of a personal collection). Truffology provides a MS-Excel format for preparation of the list and authors can request it to the Editor-in-Chief or can be downloaded via the Truffology website. These lists are not peer-reviewed for acceptance.
E. Essays and other miscellaneous articles — Truffology also accepts essays, introductions to recent scientific topics, reports of any events related to truffle sciences and many other articles about truffles.
Submission declaration and copyright
Truffology does not consider any manuscript that has been submitted to other journals or that is already accepted or published elsewhere, for publication. Authors who are submitting a manuscript as “original paper”, “review” or “observation record” to the journal must declare in the cover letter that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and all the co-authors approve the submission to Truffology.
Authors must transfer copyright to the Japanese Association for Truffle Science (JATS) when the manuscript is accepted for publication in Truffology, but still have the right to the following actions:
A. Sharing their article for personal and institutional use and scholarly purposes, including linking the URL (or DOI if any) of the article.
B. Retaining patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights.
Submission preparation
Manuscripts should be prepared in MS-Word and submitted in the following settings:
Paper size: A4
Font size: 10.5 or 11 point
Number of lines per page: 25
When submitting a manuscript, authors should attach a cover letter to Editor-in-Chief, stating the declaration required above and, if any, disclosure of any financial and/or personal relationships that could inappropriately affect the study. The first page of the text must include a title, a short title, author names and affiliation with its address, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Tables and figures should be prepared separately from the text file. Publication fee for colored illustration is not required. Molecular data newly obtained for the study must be registered to the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC; operated by DDBJ, EMBL-EBI and NCBI.) before acceptance for publication from Truffology.
The main text of the manuscript of an original scientific paper comprises Abstract (up to 300 words), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Taxonomy (if necessary), Discussion, Acknowledgement, References, and legends to Tables and Figures. Authors are advised to include a second abstract in Japanese for non-professional Japanese readers. For the support in preparing the Japanese abstract, please contact to Editor-in-Chief or editors of Truffology. Specimens and culture collections cited in articles should be deposited to any public herbariums or institutes and their voucher numbers should be given in the manuscript.
Style of references citation
Reference citation in the text should be in alphabetically, but in chronologically within publications by same authors (e. g., Kinoshita, 2010; Kinoshita et al., 2009, 2015; Orihara & Yamamoto, 2013).
Style in the “References” list:
Hypogeus D.G., Chika S., Kinno H. (2001) Seasonal fruitbody occurrence of sequestrate fungi in Japan. Journal of truffology 3: 25–41.
Otake S. (2006) Sequestrate fungi in Boletales. In: Hypogeus D.G. & Bark R. (eds.) Sequestrate fungi—systematics, ecology and evolution. JATS Publishing, Kanagawa, pp. 130–156.
Porcini B. (2017) Dictionary of sequestrate fungi, 1st edition. Truffle Press, Rome.
Sequestre H.-C. (2008) HYPO, Multiple sequence alignment software for sequestrate fungi. Available from http://www.hypo.com/software…. (downloaded on 25 Oct. 2015).
地下誠治・菌野花子・大茸慧(1995)地下生菌の胞子の風散布について.地下生菌学会会報 5 (1): 8–16.
茸田菌太郎(2015)菌根性地下生菌の多様性.日本地下生菌研究会 編.地下生菌研究の手引き,pp. 165–187,JATS出版,神奈川.
Preparation for tables and figures
Tables should be prepared using the MS-Excel software. If authors have to prepare them using a different software, check the compatibility with MS-Excel before the submission. Figures should be submitted as JPEG, PDF, TIFF or PNG files. The resolution of figures should keep a minimum of 300 dpi for color or grayscale photographs. Line drawings should be with a minimum of 600 dpi. The maximum size of figures is 182 mm wide and 230 mm high, and the half-sized figures are 84.5 mm wide. For further help please consult to Editor-in-Chief.
Proposal of new scientific names and typification
For proposing new scientific names and typification (lecto-, neo- and epi-typification) authors must register the new taxa to a recognized repository such as MycoBank and include citation of the identifier (e. g., MycoBank ID) according to Article F.5 in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants. For further information please refer to the latest online version of the code (https://www.iapt-taxon.org/nomen/main.php).