ISSN 2433-9725

- 編集長
- 山本航平(栃木県立博物館)
- E-mail:kohei081 (at)
- 編集委員
- 折原貴道(神奈川県立 生命の星・地球博物館)
- 木下晃彦(国立研究開発法人 森林研究・整備機構)
- 大和政秀(千葉大学教育学部)
- Editor-in-Chief
- Kohei Yamamoto (Tochigi Prefectural Museum, Tochigi, Japan)
- E-mail:kohei081 (at)
- Editors
- Takamichi Orihara (Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Kanagawa, Japan)
- Akihiko Kinoshita (Forestry and Forest Product Research Institute Kyushu Research Center, Kumamoto, Japan)
- Masahide Yamaoto (Faculty of Education, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan)
- Truffology(日本地下生菌研究会会報)
- 出版者:日本地下生菌研究会
- 所在地(事務局):神奈川県立 生命の星・地球博物館(神奈川県小田原市入生田499)
- Publisher:Japanese Association for Truffle Science
- Location:Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, 499 Iryuda, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0031, Japan
“Truffology” は日本地下生菌研究会が発行・出版するオンライン・ジャーナルです。本誌は原則年1回のペースで出版され、地下生菌もしくはそれらに関係する菌類を専門的に扱います。本誌掲載記事は「原著論文」、「総説」、「観察記録」、「標本リスト」および「エッセイその他の記事」に区分されます。原著論文および総説については、1名もしくは2名のレビュアーによる査読が行われ、掲載可否が決定されます。なお、すべての記事は無料一般公開されます。
The journal Truffology (The Bulletin of the Japanese Association for Truffle Science) is a free, online, scientific journal published by JATS. It is devoted to studies on truffles, truffle-like fungi and secotioid fungi as well as other related fungi and will be published annually. The journal is consisted of original scientific papers, reviews, observation records, lists of specimens, essays and other miscellaneous articles. Manuscripts of original scientific papers and reviews will be reviewed by one or two anonymous reviewers.
In the last decade, many scientific papers on Japanese truffles and truffle-like fungi have been published based on the specimens collected both by professionals and by amateur mycologists. On the other hand, many valuable specimens and their information remain unused in scientific studies, mainly because there are very few mycologists who are devoted to truffle studies. The main scope of the journal Truffology is to “rescue” local records of truffle-like fungi throughout Japan, which may otherwise fall in oblivion. For the submission of manuscript please contact to the Editor-in-Chief (t_orihara (at)