Balsamia oblonga (Helvellaceae), a new species from a subalpine forest in Japan

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Yamamoto K, Endo N, Ohmae M, Orihara T (2021) Truffology 4(1): 1–7
Submitted: 15 December 2020
Accepted: 1 March 2021
Published: 31 March 2021

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Balsamia is a member of the family Helvellaceae, and all but one of the 25 species form subterranean truffle-like ascomata. This genus is broadly distributed across the Northern Hemisphere, i.e., Europe, North America, and Asia (China). However, this genus had not been found in Japan. In September 2013, an unidentified truffle-like fungus was collected in a subalpine forest in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. Morphological observations and molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that this fungus belongs to the genus Balsamia. Here, we describe the new species B. oblonga. This species is characterized by large, oblong ascospores (up to 33.5 μm) with a large length-to-width ratio (up to 3.3). Phylogenetic analyses resolved this species as a distinct species-level branch.


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